Let's try astro for that new website

published 2023-07-23

astro logo

After checking quite some static website generators, like Hugo, Pelican, 11ty, I finally picked Astro, because I found it to be quite interesting. For me, it was the right compromise between “code” and “automatism”, which I wanted to try out.

I didn’t want to use something like wordpress installation another time, because I experienced it as:

  1. not adding/changing content often enough to really justify using a CRM
  2. generating static contant meant less effort for maintenance, like
    • no more updating PHP
    • no more updating MariaDB
  3. WYSIWYG is nice, because of clicky-dee-click, but I don’t really care for having some UI - usually, I’m faster via editor/CLI anyways

So far, I can say, I quite like it: