
This is me, but pixeled.

Well, not so much to tell about me. I'm Tobias, a member of the generation X, and arranging with the life phase of scratching/being in my fifties right now.

Shortest summarization I can up with for myself: I was born 1973 in northern Germany and got my first computer aged nine - which basically pushed me and my whole life's journey to all aspects and facets of software development.

During my teens, I became a pixel graphic artist, learned programming in several languages like BASIC, 68000 assembly language and C, and starting composing music using sound trackers.

Nowadays, after nearly four decades in front of computers, I made my way through way several job descriptions, like software development involving x86 assembly, C++, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, team coordination and team leading positions, project- and requirement management, IT consulting and what not.

My life-defining superpower, and curse, is, that my brain never stops complaining about being bored, and my short thread of patience basically forces me to heavily be what others call "extremely intrinsically motivated". That's why today my interests are so extremely wide-ranging beside computer-related topics as well, like mathematics and physics, composition and music theory, reading and writing, history and archaeology and and and.

You won't find me on social media - because I don't like it. So, if you want to get in touch - use the email address mentioned there.